Developing locally-enhanced topical products that are scientifically proven to have significantly better penetration and retention with a time-released effect

Our “Zol” Formulations


Developing locally-enhanced topical transdermal products to disrupt existing markets


The Importance of Skin Penetration:

Skin penetration and tissue permeation after topical administration of diclofenac

Topical formulations need to be able to penetrate the skin and permeate to the target areas in quantities sufficient to exert a therapeutic effect.

Data available indicate that topical diclofenac can penetrate and permeate to deeper tissues, with a lower plasma to tissue ratio than oral diclofenac.

Diclofenac can penetrate the skin and permeate to deeper tissues, where it reaches a concentration that appears to be sufficient to exert a therapeutic effect.

Martina Hagen & Mark Baker (2017) Skin penetration and tissue permeation after topical administration of diclofenac, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 33:9, 1623-1634, DOI: 10.1080/03007995.2017.1352497

Sample Data
Skin Permeation and Delivery from a Novel Locally Enhanced Transdermal Delivery Formulation


Nex-Zol Formulation vs. Leading Competition
  • At early hours, Nex-Zol gel exhibited superior permeation.
  • After 24 hr, at least 7 fold of permeation enhancement was observed with the Nex-Zol formulation.


Nex-Zol Formulation vs. Leading Competition

  • The rate of penetration for The Zol formulation is significantly higher at all time points.
  • Effect continues over time as competition falls off.
Description information
  • Zol demonstrates a time-released effect with single and multiple applications

Our Investors

We are actively seeking investors and development partners.

Please contact Joel Carden, Investors Relations

  • C: 833-639-9651
  • 1001 Avenida Pico, Suite C-501, San Clemente, CA 92673
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